About Krishiangan

Krishiangan is a free platform among producers and consumers of the agricultural products. It is started with the holy aim of supporting farming communities to sale their product with possible highest value and to strengthen the ecosystem of value chain.

How it Started ?

Krishiangan is founded by the experts of agricultural economy, food security, ICT after the several years of experience in the fields. The members of Krishiangan held PhD degree in different disciplines from oversees universities and returned to Nepal. They started to explore different sector of Nepalese economy to understand the context deeply instead of imposing predetermined solutions. They found such platform beneficial to the farmers and saw a huge gap in the agricultural value chain at various levels- such as several middlepersons from producer to consumer of the agricultural product, no transparency in value addition, unfair distribution of profit, and a weak value chain system etc.

Trade safety

We welcome and want you to be able to trade your products successfully, pleasantly and safely at Krishiangan. Based on our experiences, we suggest some steps for you to act safely.

Some Steps For Trade Safety

As Krishiangan is open market platform for the buyers and sellers, we cannot guarantee that all the buyers and sellers have good intentions. Unfortunately, there might be fraud. We will try to fight to these fraudsters with every possible effort. We encourage you for the secure payment, fair trade among the users of this platform. You can also prevent a lot of trouble by using your common sense.

Be analytic

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Allow contact via Krishiangan


Know who you are dealing with

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Report to the police

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Payment via reliable gateway

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Make clear agreement before delivery

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